Making A Profit from Indonesian Cocoa Beans Investment

As you may know, top five global consumers of chocolate are developed nations, to be specified, United States, Germany, France, United Kingdom and Russia. Therefore, decision to start-up a business in chocolate sector is a good choice to make.

First step to take, thereby, is to comprehend first about the raw material of chocolate. Chocolate powder is made of cocoa bean that is produced in cocoa plantation in tropical areas. Next important step would be to choose good cocoa bean.

Indonesian cocoa bean has benefits for health as it has positive effect towards cardiovascular condition. Indonesia places the second rank in the top producers of cocoa bean worldwide. There are 1,9 billion hectares cocoa plantations in Indonesia and thus, this nation supplies up to 1 billion tons cocoa beans for many factories each year.

If Indonesian cocoa bean costs over US$ 28 in European market, in Indonesian local market, it only costs US$ 19, or sometimes less. For several investors, this huge number of cocoa bean production in Indonesia has created opportunities for them to establish factories in Indonesia.By this strategy, they can get raw material directly from Indonesian farmers with lower price and enable them to build partnerships with several stakeholders to improve cocoa beans quality.

If you search for a new business opportunity so it is a good idea to invest your money in Indonesia, especially in cocoa bean sector. Since the demand tends to increase these days and in fact, you can get raw material in lower price and definitely good quality

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