Getting Acquainted with Sulawesi Cocoa Beans

Have you ever heard about Sulawesi cocoa beans? Perhaps you never know about it. If it is the case, well, we may say it is somewhat weird because Sulawesi cocoa beans are very close to your daily lives.

Sulawesi is the name of one major island in Indonesia wherein the development center of cocoa keeps on expanding. Cocoa seeds, when dried, roasted and crushed, produce the primary raw material for chocolate that you consume almost every day. Therefore, the quality of chocolate you eat is greatly dependent upon the location where it is produced.

One interesting point of cocoa beans originated from Sulawesi lays on their high quantities of polyphenol thus, it is good to promote your healthy heart. Because these cocoa beans contain high polyphenol ingredient, a researcher from United States uttered that Sulawesi cocoa beans are very good to be used as raw material in the making of chocolate for the benefit of human health.

In addition, its melting point is quite high, meaning that Sulawesi cocoa beans-derived-chocolate is not easy to melt in hot temperature, while cocoa in general has an extremely low melting point that can melt in your hand at body temperature. For this reason, Sulawesi cocoa beans chocolates are highly marketable in Asia region and other high temperature countries.

So, are you already familiarized with Sulawesi cocoa beans?

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